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History/Social Science

The History/Social Studies program centers on skill attainment and social participation. Civic values, rights, and responsibilities—through the use of Project Cornerstone, a conflict resolution program—are covered in all grade levels. Multicultural events are also scheduled at each school. In addition, each K–6 school maintains a geography strand. Primary grade units are supported with a wide array of literature, and training is provided for each teacher as he/she enters a specific grade level. Instructional media, guided reading, and cooperative learning are materials/strategies used to insure equal access for all students. Many students participate in the National Geography Bee. Grades 4–8 complete the traditional State sequence: California History (grade 4), American History to 1800 (grade 5), Ancient Civilizations (grade 6), Rome to Renaissance (grade 7), U.S. History to World War I (grade 8).


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