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January 22, 2019

The Los Altos School District Collaborative Preschool Accepting New Students  

A unique model for early education, the Los Altos School District Collaborative preschool teaches all students—regardless of ability or disability—using the 1st Five and California Preschool Learning Foundations best practices and curriculum.  The school admits children with disabilities as well as children who are typically developing, who play and learn together in a welcoming and supportive classroom that prepares them for success in Kindergarten.
“Preschool is a foundational educational experience that not only teaches children how to learn, but how to navigate their world socially, be empathetic and participate as a key partner in a classroom community.  Our preschool students learn how to work and play inclusively with their peers, a key to future success in our diverse world,” explains Katherine Chang, the preschool teacher.
Collaborative preschool students attend a ½ day program (AM or PM class) 5 days per week, which is tuition-free.  Currently, the school is seeking typical peers for the 2018-19 school year who are at least 3 years old, have prior playgroup or preschool experience, and have age appropriate language and social skills.
The preschool’s activities are thoughtfully and creatively adapted so that all children participate and learn together. All children’s developmental goals are integrated into daily routines for Kindergarten preparedness.
“Collaborative preschools help children grow and develop together, share experiences and form lasting friendships.  Our students become aware of differences and similarities, developing a sense that everyone, regardless of abilities or disabilities, makes an important contribution to the world around us,” Chang said.
For more information about our collaborative preschool, please contact Katherine Chang at (650) 947-1171 or


Teacher Katherine Chang teaches her preschool students an interactive lesson about the letter N

K Chang 1   K Chang 2  K Chang 3

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